Voice Ur Mind

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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Why ME Always!!!!!!

Hey ppl,
Before this Blog goes into extinction i tot i wud post something....Its been quite a long time tat i posted somethin here..Quite much tat i even forgot my username n password..Well theres nothin gr8 tat me n Revs r doing other than vetti Orkutting...Chalo i wud take up this job of settin in again...Theres a also an important reason for my sudden entry into this blog after a lon time..
Well its Animals..(yes u've read tat right)..Its because of the animals n their constant troubles...
I ve always been scared of animals-no matter how big its size is..starting from a rat(the smallest of the lot) to the rhino ( mega sized)...N i don know y I always fall prey to this.. To start off-Mr.Rat (or Mrs watever)..Well this is always been a free tenant in my room..N i guess it has taken an oath of "ZINDAGI BHAR SAATH NIBHANA"..Even if i change the room it makes sure tht its present there even before me to gimme a warm welcome..Fighthting wit rats ve become my daily job so much tat now i ve become an expert in it.. Trust me its a Herculean job especially wen it is present thr partyin wit its kith n kin..i still remember my war wit a big rat( nt sure wat u call it) wen i was a kid...This big rat made a forceful entry in our house..Everyone rt frm 70 yr old patti to 7 yr old sis were getting ready to wage a war against it..The whole house was turned Topsy Turvy n thr i was in a corner of the bed very small,very scared carrying my cricket bat which i used to boast of as being better than sachin Tendulkar's.I was waitin for the situation wen i cud take my heels of tat place..Everyone except me left no stones unturned to chuck it off my house..It was then i decided to make a contribution to this war..I took my cricket bat marched off to the field n thr it "SPRANG ON ME FROM NOWHERE"..I thought i almost gave up the ghost but then realised tht it was ntn much bt i jus fell unconscious...Tat was the time i decided i hate them I HATE RATS...We changed our house aftr tat n the fear of rats was long gone . i had my Palmy days..Then i came to Chennai wit a bold decision of stayin alone completely Unaware of these animals who wud make my life miserable the most ...Bt then i got accostomed to live wit them....Daily evening it was my job to find if i was left wit some food or those irritating creatures hd already eaten up everything..I cant fathom how these rats eat so much despite a small stomach..I ve been dancing attendance on them wit a hope tht they leave me n find a better house fr themselves..I tried cutting the Geordian Knot by all means,....Tried keeping a trap fr catching them bt unfortunately(na na My Luck) a squirrel gt trapped into a mouse trap..Then i tot no point trusting these instruments(or watever u call them)...Then came the "STICK THEORY"...Kept running behind them until a day when i found tht thr s not only one rat but its BETTERHALF also....N was catering fr this newly wed couple...Well i ve had the most unusual experience of watching these rats makin love to each other...(huh!!guess a cud ve made an animal's sex porn movie)...Then i got a feeling tat catchin these rats family was like catching Tartar..Fine thr was no othr go bt to accept the fact n live wt it..Things got back to normal n i was in a cold comfort in my sweet lil room wit my PC always switched on to orkut..i ve heard tht mere absense doen mean tht things r completely gone..This sick animal proved it right...It once again made a blasting entry a day before yesterday this time not for my food but a very diff purpose...As usual i got up at 7 '0' clock for my 7.30 bus...Took a shower which dint even last fr 3 mins(c'mon ppl i am a true Chennaite.believe in nt wasting water)..K..As thr was very lil time left i forgot to close the lid of the soap box..The next day i again hurried in to the bathroom only to find the soap box empty..Tried lookin fr the soap as it was my fav "DOY CARE" soap..bt it was already gettin late..So took a new DOVE soap prayin GOD tht i get to use it to the fullest ....Rt from chilhood i ve had this fascination of using DOVE as i was of the opinion tht it gives u royal feel coz its high priced n the ads showed tht all rich people use it..With this queens (as i said) feel i took the soap n went in..Again took bath fr 2 mins this time Sparing 1 min jus to make sure tht i ve kept the soap in proper place ...Everything happened in a similar fashion today also except tat i forgot to close the box today..Then in the evening i got this sudden sense of realisation tat i take bath properly fr an hour atleast fr Reva s sake who happens to be my benchmate...n to all my frens who keep tellin me to make some use of the available water...To my suprise i found tht the huge bar of soap,something wch i cherish lik a possession was gone...I had casted my pearls...I cud do nothing bt break into tears..Initially i tot my house was surrounded by some "athma or ghost" tat steals my soap daily..Then i realised thr s no point cryin over spilt milk n came to conclusion tat it was nt a ghost bt my very old enemy which haunts me more than a ghost!!!!I Cried fr sometime , called up Shiv(my fren) told him the whole tale wit tears rollin down who cud do nothin bt console me fr this silly thing by tellin tht he wud shoot all rats in this world..I calmed myself n decided to pen this down...

N now am pinning hopes on hope tat a fine day i don wake up in the morning wit a rat sleeping on my bed along wit me.................




  • At 7:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey vids i know u r vetti but never thought that u were so much vetti di....nee loosu,bulbu nu theriyum aana ippidi nu theriyadhu...hey u better write short stories for children(am serious)the entry was really good da....to say very good da....continue but one thing pl dont pester us sayin the same thing in coll again and paavam my frnd shiv and sriram spare them for good da...u wont tell me but i hav to hear all this things from them again...if possible pl post ur killi josiyiam incident too da....................

  • At 7:46 AM , Blogger Sia said...

    hey venk,
    i know ur the tortured soul..have to bear wit my polambals..was nt vetti bt was frustrated..n y short stories fr children..was tat too mokkai..sure my next post will be abt my experience wt kili josiyam

  • At 7:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    it has been real long since i stopped writing articles r anything for that matter..bt i must say, for the way vid u have spoke ur mind in this beautiful article that kindles the writer in me..a real good one..do it more often i wld luv to read these blogs that u wld post..kudos

  • At 7:49 AM , Blogger shiv said...

    hey!!... u forgot what i said!!.. cud be monkeys too!!.. monkeys generally steal things!!..... ya it was too funny consolin!!...cudn stop laughin but made sure tht wasn shown in my voice!

  • At 7:52 AM , Blogger Sia said...

    hey thanks sowmya..n as i said u wud make a better writer..Start off wt ur own blog..Its a good means to speak out

  • At 7:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey vid ur story was really good da...truly creative...u know it is very difficult to express wats on ur mind da and u hav done it really gr8..pl do write i am serious di loose...and machan shiv u r really paavam...sri not in town i think he will have a heavy dosage wen he comes...

  • At 7:55 AM , Blogger Sia said...

    Hey shiv i thought u were so sweet to console me..bt dint realise tht u must be laughing on tht side..anyways only tat made me write a post today..n ya as u said it can be monkeys too n evn in tht case i hate them i HATE MONKEYS TOO...hate all animals

  • At 8:35 AM , Blogger Revathy said...

    wah wah vidya!SO much on my ind but not able to express all that(he ..he..lol u knw wht i am talking about!)Anyways thanks a million for bringing life to out baby which has been passive for so long,now that u have given quenched it's thirst, it gives me a pleading hungry look,that makes me feel like an evil stepmom(who comes in our films)!ahem ahem simply said u have inspired the writer in me!Having said that don let your writer to go sleep again make him think of the "RAT" again and again!THREE CHEERS TO "THE RAT"!!

  • At 8:35 AM , Blogger Revathy said...

    wah wah vidya!SO much on my ind but not able to express all that(he ..he..lol u knw wht i am talking about!)Anyways thanks a million for bringing life to out baby which has been passive for so long,now that u have given quenched it's thirst, it gives me a pleading hungry look,that makes me feel like an evil stepmom(who comes in our films)!ahem ahem simply said u have inspired the writer in me!Having said that don let your writer to go sleep again make him think of the "RAT" again and again!THREE CHEERS TO "THE RAT"!!

  • At 8:45 AM , Blogger Sia said...

    Hey Revs thanx fr ur comment...i guess u really need to pen down ur thoughts n post something coz this post has really kindled a writer in u..i cud find a very good(wit some good english)comment from ur side...chalo i guess its ur turn now...N "three cheers to the rat " is it??avanga avangalku vandada dan teriyum..i ve the whole family of themm...will send two or three yto ur house....

  • At 11:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey vids this 1 is nice...
    it seems u n rat having Janam Janam ka rishta....gud platform to express one's feelings.....
    i came to know today that there is something which can b done instead of just logging into orkut n being online 24x7.....
    i just read this 1 today...coz its too late now n m feeling sleepy...so wil read remaining later....n try to post comments if ne....
    gud job....keep it up...best wishes.

  • At 1:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Interesting indeed!

  • At 1:27 AM , Blogger Vijayram said...

    Havin a great company in the form of rats, cool post.... i ve never read ths big post dedicated to rats and the miseries caused by it.... I ve too got rats in my house, dint know it wud trouble to ths extent... though a big post, quite interesting one.... Dont worry u ll soon have a day, wen rat sleeps next to u, giving the Nightmare of the Millenium....he he he...!!!!


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