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Friday, February 24, 2006

WC-Water Closet or is it??

In this blog i would like to share a joke which i had read long back when i was in school.This is real fun to read and i hope u ppl enjoy it as much as i did when i read it the first time.This is truly hilarious and on could say a perfect example of miscommunication.
Now read on.....

An English Lady,while visiting India was looking for a room and she asked the schoolmaster if he could recommend one.He took her to see several rooms and everything was settled,the lady returned to her home to make the final preparations to move.
Back in England,it occurred to her that she had not inquired about a water closet(which in Indian terms means Lavatory).So she wrote to the schoolmaster asking if there was a WC conveniently situated.
The schoolmaster who did not understand the abbreviation,sought the help of a local priest and together they came to the only conclusion that WC was - Wayside Chapel.The schoolmaster then wrote the followin letter to English lady.....

Dear Madam,
I take gr8 pleasure in informin u that the WC is situated 9 miles from the house in the centre of a beautiful grove of pine trees,surrounded by lovely grounds.
It has a seating capacity of 229 people and open only on Sundays and Thursdays.A number of people are expected for the summer months so,I suggest u come early enough, although, there is plenty of standing room.This is an unfortunate situation especially if u have the habit of going there regularly.
You would no doubt be glad to know that a gud number bring their lunch and make a good day of it.I would especially recommend that your ladyship go there on Thursdays,as there is an organ accompaniment.The accoustics are excellent and the most delicate sounds are heard everywhere.
It may be of interest to u to know that my daughter was married in the WC and it was there she first met her husband.I could still remember the rush there was 4 seats.There are 10 people to a seat,usually occupied by one.It is wonderful to see the expressions on their face.
The latest attraction is a bell donated by a wealthy resident.It rings every time a person enters.A buzzer is to be held to provide plush seats for all,as the ppl feel tht it is a long felt need.My wife is rather delicate so she can't attend regularly.It is almost a year since she went last.Naturally it pains her as she is not able to attend more often.
I will be delighted to reserve the best seat for you,if u wish to be seen by all.For children there is a special time and place so that they will not disturb the elders.
Hoping to be of good service to u.
Yours sincerely
The schoolmaster


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