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Thursday, February 02, 2006

BOOKS-They make a gr8 companion

hello there!!!
I'm a bookworm and books are my favorite passtime.John Grisham, Sheldon and Fredrick Forsyth are the authors I read often.
Now that list does not figure an Indian author becos of the simple reason that I've never read any works of Indian authors.
The fact is u ask bookworms(particularly youngsters), 8 out of 10 would say that they had not really tried any Indian author.Belonging to a country that has a big history behind from which great epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharatha have originated, it is surprising that our Indian authors are preferred only secondary to foreign authors.
John Grisham is known for his portrayl of court scenes, in his books.Though most of his books are based on lawyers and court scenes, there have also been some mind-blowing thrillers like "The Pelican Brief","The Client" etc..These books are must-reads of Grisham.The best book though i have read is "The Runaway Jury".The best part in Grisham's books are the details.In the Runaway jury,which was the 1st book of Grisham that i read, i was totally impressed with the ending .
I think nobody can beat Sheldon for his pace in narration.My personal favorite is "If tommorrow comes".That book was truly amazing.Though,most Sheldon fans will insist that his best book is "Tell Me Your Dreams",I wud still go for "If tommorrow comes",I donno why but i liked it better.
Forsyth is one author who I feel had his influences on many authors like Jeffrey Archer.His best is undoubtedly "The Day of the Jackal".Although i have been told his "Shepherd" is also a non-put-downable.I've not read the book but just the glimpse of the story.
Recently I read the book "One Night @ the Call Centre" by the author Chetan Bhagat, this was my first book by an Indian author.This book was about 6 ppl workin in a call centre and how ,a phone call they receive from "God" one night, changes their lives entirely.I enjoyed this book.Now the concept of involving God in the story may sound going beyond reality,but i feel only an Indian author would dare to handle this.In fact the book is worth reading from the Epilogue, and till the Prologue.One thing unique with Indian author books is that we could identify with the characters,their emotions , the places etc...Especially,in this book the story has characters who are based in Delhi.The author's portrayal of Delhi has been really gud that,though I've never been to Delhi ,I was able to identify with the place.Now this would not be the same if I read a novel that has its characters based in London or New York. The concept was also new,fresh,something rare yet convincing.I would certainly say it is worth reading once,though it is not a non-put downable like Da vinci Code and the likes..,yet it does holds your attention right from the beginning.Right now,I'm in the hunt for the author's 1st book called"Five Point Someone",which i was told was good too.After reading this book I felt we need to read more Indian authors.
Ghosh when i start talkin about books I simply cannot find myself to stop.Anyways i promise to keep my next blog shorter:-)


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