Voice Ur Mind

Dil se re...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Well..first of all, I have to say (or reiterate) that this post is about "nothing" n nt very much related to the title. So, dont tell me that I didnt warn you, before you spend time reading !!
I guess you might wonder if this is going to be about nothing, then why the heck am I even posting it in the first place ?? There are quite a few reasons to it, the foremost being; I've been meaning to post something fr quite a sometime but fr some reason been putting it off ..Secondly, my hands jus woke up from its dormant state... Thirdly, when I say that this post is pretty much going to be about nothing, it gives me the freedom to scribble about anything...
Finally, you wouldn't want to know any of my reasons if you are attending coll(our IV cse 'B') and dont have anything better to do!!
N ya i nearly forgot ..HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL U GUYS..(guess am too early fr next yr!!)..Well yet another year has passed!!nothin worthwhile has been contributed(well who cares!!i don give it a damn)..I was jus readin blogs of some known n unknown people
whr i cud c plenty posts welcomin ths new year, tellin al good/bad things of 06' ..so i dun wanna expatiate much on ths.. Ths s our first post fr ths yr so its pretty much a welcome post...
So the last n the final "sem leave"of engineerin is all over n we r all bak to coll.. I jus realised tat last 3 days of college have been utter crap & sucked to the core..Empty benches..Umpteen project n placement hours which people seldom care to attend, boring subjects n even more boring staff in-charge who thinks tat she some kinda queen sitting on a throne..well am asked to collect the LEAVE LETTERS n OD forms which folks of our class(tat includes me) wud ve nevr bothered to giv in their 3 years of Engineering career..
Wit all these trivial things happenin around there s an added feelin mounting-
"THE PROJECT MANIA"..Well as of now ths project thingy is completely on air , atleast to an
extent tat our whole class is split into many triumvirates...n everyone s busy racking their brains to prove themselves to be the best software programmers.Thers a complete unity within the proj-mates...This "so-called" avalanche suddenly came frm nowhere n hit us so hard tat i can see a huge metamorphosis in me n many(which i don wanna comment)..Now comin to my part thr ve been some noteworthy changes..to mention a few-
1)i ve started visiting library nooks very often
2)i ve stopped "ORKUTting" and started "GOOGLEing"(i guess tat was a bad one !!)
3)i ve started stuffin the drives in my PC with so many PDFs(which r yet to b read)..
4)i ve made GOOGLE as my homepage..(tat doesn stop me frm visitin orkut n othr sites though) ...
anyways idellam "vettuu scene dan" coz i ve still nt gt the hang of our project..i know all thse are jus a NINE DAYS WONDER all of us wud again get back to our usual habit of vetti messaging,lon hrs of sleeping,too much of orkuttin etc etc..
so till then lets continue to enjoy ths PROJECT SAGA...

signin off fr a better search..

P.S:-this post is also a result of my effort to contribute to the project..i decided to write ths coz i am tired of giving all permutation of the keywords to find some fruitful information regarding the proj..i needed a BREAK ,a refreshing BREAK..so here I AM !!!


  • At 6:06 PM , Blogger Sriram said...

    yet another post in the middle of the night eh...i think the writer in u is a nocturnal...
    i guess the groupism was bound to occur though...cos everyone is really scared of how they are gonna go about completing their proj successfully...and are tryin their best to giv themselves the best chance of doing so...hence i guess their priorities are different...hopefully it would be better once things settle down...
    and like i always say....
    if at first u dont succeed...
    permute permute permute again!!!

  • At 7:29 PM , Blogger Revathy said...

    yea true the project fever doesn't spare anyone!Anyways finally u have that new post for the new yr!!
    It's welcome break from those long hrs of time spent on google!

  • At 8:53 PM , Blogger Sia said...

    hey sri
    well actually am too busy these days;) am free only in the night...n abt the groupism stuff i knw it had to happen.no offence!!i jus wrote it coz it was a part of the PROJECT FEVER...

    thanks fr the comment n it was indeed a welcome break though..

  • At 7:29 AM , Blogger shiv said...

    hey really well written for a post being written in the middle of the night!!.. and the comment on our class co was perfect my thots really.. hopin to see more midnight posts from u. u write double meaning sentences really well ;-)

  • At 5:40 AM , Blogger Sia said...

    hey shiv
    thanx fr the comment..whr did u find a double meaning in the post..pls let me knw tht..guess tat pretty straight..


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