Voice Ur Mind

Dil se re...

Friday, April 07, 2006


hey guys!!!!i know this blog has been inactive fr a long time...hey revs.busy kya???anyways no offense reva...i know am the silent soul wit the least.. ok sorry sorry no contributions...n now lemme break the ice and present to u my maiden post...people plssss bear wit me n my typeographical errors(u ll find it in every othr line!!)..But my conversation wit my sis in law or my manni (as i usually call her) moved me so much tat i decided to give vent to my feelings by doin somethin which i ve never done"the so called writin a POST in a blog"...
k so comin to the incident........
last week i was sittin wit my manni n we were surfin the channels when v caught the sight of a documentary (or whatever) which was showin thewhole lifecycle of a baby(the 35 weeks tenure f a baby in its mummys tummy)...my manni was bound to get interested as she s gonna give birth to one in a few days...we were totally engrossed..i was watchin such a thing fr the frst time...suddenly my manni tol me abt the recent medicine or anaestisia(i hope am right wit the term)which lessens the labor pain durin the delivery time...
and now wit total knowledge on ths (thanks to the 1 hr documentary)imy brain was completely loaded wit the subject...i decided to give an ear to wat she was tellin...i was nt much interested in the technicalities i mean the side-effects n cost of the medicine i cud sense tat she was a lil scared of the pain of the delivery of other kid...i ve always heard tat givin birth to a child is a rebirth to a mother...
wit all these discussion on full swing a thought kept beatin against my mind again n again as to "Why does a woman yearn for a kid when shez aware of all the pain n tribulations she ll ve to face on the due course"....i tried holding my tongue bt cud nt stand it...i broke the silence n asked my manni as to why it happens...or rather why did she opt fr a second kid when she had to go thru so much pain in hari s case.
she gave me a sweet simple reply... and frens trust me her reply was sooo convincin & touchin tat i decided to pen down or rather type down the whole answer..
ok back to the point....she replied i n one sentence tht a woman bears wit so much fr that one moment of immense joy n warmth she gets when she holds the baby fr the first time...she added tat the tender skin wil give her the worlds best feelin of being a creator a new soul which s her own partn so much hers....her reply brought a splash & i decided to keep the ball rollin...i could feel the happiness on her face...my manni was so excited when she was telling me about the sommersaults on her stomach when the baby tries to kick it from within...
i ve always been very inquisitive of ths idea of the extra pounds of weight u need to carry fr nine months..manni said these are the palmy days & a mother accepts it happily as a labor of love..the talk went on n on...the whole evening passed off..bt my manni s blessed wt the gift of gab i mean shez brilliant in her eloquence so she cud easily gather my attention durin those hours...we strtd talkin about hari (her first kid or the kid who ll share all the attention n love he s been gettin all these days wit the sibling soon to be born).........
the evenin passed on..i went to my room...i had gt the answers fr all my queries fromt my manni's reply..and nw i can say that may be this joy of holdin the kid for the first time on your hands,waitin fr it to open its small eyes and look at u or the feel of its tender skin, or the babbles its gonna make is wat that makes a woman to believe tat 'she is incomplete without a kid'.may be ths s the reason why every woman crave fr a baby.....
on ths note i wud like to share a small couplet wch i recently read
"Neend apni bhulakar sulaya humko,
ansu apne girakar hasaya humko
dard kabhi na dena us khuda ki tasveer ko
Zamana kehta hai maa jinko..."
i believe it....thanks mom!!!
k...its vid signin off now


  • At 8:32 AM , Blogger Sriram said...

    wonderful post yaar...
    beautilly written...a post straight from the heart i see..
    despite the typos(which u warned about)..it made a nice read..
    i especially love the ending though...nice shayri!!

  • At 8:34 AM , Blogger Revathy said...

    hey buddy tht was really amazing..we were talkin abt this in class today ..i don think u cud have had a better way to start off bloggin..
    anyways as they it's becos god can't be with everyone at every time so he made somebody called "MOTHER"(hum tum movie ka dialogue).
    It's true, the woman goes thro' so much pain,and when the first time she holds the baby,there cud be no bounds to her happiness,tht instant jus makes her forget the hell she had gone thro' jus a few moments ago...
    the feeling tht u r responsible for a life inside u..man wht cud be greater than tht..

  • At 8:43 AM , Blogger Sia said...

    to sriram-i ve sent u ths shyri already dude...
    revs-i totally agree wt the humtum dialouge...(good memory yaar)

  • At 8:46 AM , Blogger shiv said...

    wow!!!...vidya.... wow!!!...amazin post!!...cudnt help but gape in awe at ur post!!

  • At 9:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey chellam....... its amazing.u hav really portrayed the feeling of a mother nicely.hey its touching di...... from the post one thing is very clear like u r really eagerly waiting for that feeling na(hey there is no inner meaning in that .i meant the feeling of mother giving birth that too if it would twins).... and i think u will be the right person to hav twins da......

  • At 10:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    hey vid that was a very good post.very nicely written...isn't it the reason that we all are always so close to our mothers.Afterall we all are just a part of her..and also motherhood is one big reason why women are so very respected

  • At 10:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    yaar post tho lajavab hai..i guess rev's twin baby dream is gona be true. "MOTHER" is the one who cares for us every moment..

  • At 1:37 AM , Blogger Vijayram said...

    well said in beautiful words... Babies the cute smile it gives, takes away all the angers and wat a heavenly feeling it gives... Infact the best post of the whole lot...Cheersssss...!!!!


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