Voice Ur Mind

Dil se re...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


As a popular saying goes--"Your attitude determines your altitude.",the success of a person can be predicted from his attitude towards life.It is a fact that a person with an optimistic attitude succeeds quite often since an optimist can perceive success even in his failures. As they say success is not determined by winning but in participating and giving your best.

hmm....I guess that sounds like a lecture on self development or some crap like that isn't it? I guess it is easy to say "be positive..or believe in urself ..." and all that,but it takes a great deal to stay positive all the time.Now I'm not a very optimistic person nor do i have the capability of perceiving success in my failures.I tend to get pessimistic very soon not just in what i do but also sometimes in my relationships with ppl.I don know why....maybe becos i'm a Cancerian.(whatever the reason?).The point is that it is easy to lose hope but trust me its really hard to believe in urself and keep trying until u succeed.We have heard how someone like Abraham Lincoln who had had nothing but failure until he became the president of USA,or how school dropouts like Edison or Einstein had turned out as nobel laureates.Though we go wow over such success stories very rarely do people approach life with such attitude as these great men have done.The problem is that we give importance to other ppl's opinions and in the process we compromise on our own goals.One failure and that's it we won't dream of giving another try,and the one odd person who keeps trying will be branded by others as "oh tht guy he keeps bragging abt the same thing .........or he is a failure........even if he tries 100 times i don think he's gonna make it....".Now one has to withstand all such negative motivations and yet needs to keep believing in oneself in order to succeed.Well it's easier said than done otherwise ppl like Einstein or Lincoln won't be few in a million isn't it?

A man is a hero not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for ten minutes longer
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

I donno who this Ralph Waldo Emerson is but then, what he said is 100% true.

It is not just persistence but also self-esteem is what makes a healthy personality.As human beings we all like to be given credit, but if a person doesn't value oneself much, how could he expect that from others.I read a very interesting story on attitude that goes like this:

A man was washing his car when his neighbor asked him,
"When did u get the car?".
The Man said: "My brother gifted it to me"
Neighbor: "Man,I wish I had a car like that".
The Man:"You should wish that you had a brother like mine".
The Neighbor's wife who had been listening to the conversation said
"I wish i was a brother like that"

What an attitude!
It's not what you aim for that matters but how do you want to achieve your aim is what counts.
Well i guess maybe i could make good counsellor..well i'm jus bein optimistic...he he....With that note i'm signin off and i promise to come up with something more interestin next time.



  • At 5:12 AM , Blogger Sia said...

    hey cool reva...tht was good..followin the footsteps of shiv khera eh..okay jokes apart tht was 2gud

  • At 4:37 AM , Blogger Revathy said...

    ya true...i was influenced by shiv kera

  • At 6:59 AM , Blogger Sriram said...

    attitude does make a difference doesnt it...
    whether u think u can or u think u cant...u are usually right!!


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